A Cat a Day: February 26

This fern is huge, so it’s spending the winter in the front room where there is just barely enough space and light for it. It’s in a spot where Percivale can hide in it then ambush John and me. Usually we see him coming, but it’s still a fun game–as long as he keeps his claws and teeth to himself.

A Cat a Day: December 12

Ok, so these aren’t great photos, but I’m sharing them as an example of what it’s like walking Percivale.

In photo #1, we have Spike dominating our neighbor’s lawnmower. He’s perched on it as the highest point around so he can show that he’s the boss.

In photo #2 we have Perry running up to smack Spike down a notch. The photo is especially blurry because my phone camera is terrible and because Perry’s leash was jerking my arm as I took it.

Perry spends a lot of his time outside trying to beat up the other cats. Perry is bad at being a cat, so none of the other cats really understand what he’s trying to do. Still, sometimes Spike will let Perry chase him around for fun.