A Cat a Day: March 17

For St. Patrick’s Day, I made a couple of St. Patrick’s hats for the cats. One had more of a “Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow” theme. Multiple cats wore it happily:

The other was a sparkly green “I’m a Happy Leprechaun” number. For some reason no one was happy wearing it. Not Junior:

Not Lady Ygraine:

But then Lady Morgaine gave it a shot…briefly:

February 2024: The First Signs of Spring

The first flowers are stirring in my garden. I saw my first crocuses around February 9, the first daffodil followed around February 20, and the snowdrops jumped in somewhere in between. One of my hellebores was probably blooming even before the end of January, but it is located pretty far back in my garden and it took a while for its low, nodding blooms to move above the leaf clutter. By February’s end, my other hellebores were blooming, too. I also have shoots of garlic showing above the leafy mulch in their bed, promising that the garlic has spent the winter growing underground. I’m always tempted to photograph every new crocus that blooms. I have different varieties scattered all around my yard, so it’s always a surprise to see another pop of color appear in one place then the next. After months of drabness, each one is a small celebration.